Friday 6 November 2015

Qualities of Ideal Muslims in Relation with Allâh

By  Mamarinta-Omar Mababaya and  Dr. Norlain Dindang
  The ideal Muslims in Islâm  are those who possess the characteristics or qualities of believers as defined in the Qur’ân and the Sunnah.   The true Islâmic personality of believing Muslims, as defined in the Qur’ân and the Sunnah, embraces their total beings. This covers their relations to their Rabb (Only Cherisher and Sustainer), to themselves, to  their respective families (parents, spouses and children), to  their relatives, neighbors and friends, to  their respective communities, as well as to the society as a whole.
As much as possible, we Muslims must strive to attain total personality development for the pleasure of Allâh the Almighty so that we attain ultimate rewards and success.  In order to be rewarded, we must work for our total personality development in accordance with the Qur’ân and the Sunnah.  It is a must that we obey Allâh and His Messenger (s.a.w).  Allâh   the Most High commands us:
“O you who believe! Obey Allâh, and obey the Messenger (Muhammad) and render not vain your deeds.”  (47:33)
From the above divine injunction, the criteria for personality development must be based on the Qur’ân and the Sunnah. Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.), Allâh's Messenger to the whole humanity,  possesses an exalted standard of character (i.e., sublime morals) (Qur’ân 68:4) and is an excellent example for us to follow.  Allâh the Almighty  tells us that  His Messenger (s.a.w) is the best model for us to follow.  He says:
 “Indeed in the Messenger of Allâh (Muhammad ) you have an excellent example to follow for him who hopes in (meeting with) Allâh and the Last Day, and remembers Allâh much.   (33:21)
 In an authentic Hâdîth we read that the Prophet (s.a.w.) himself said:
Abu Hurairah (r.a.)  narrated that Allâh’s Messenger (s.a.w.) said,  “I have been sent (as a Messenger) in the best of all generations of Adam’s offspring since the Creation.”  (Bukhâri   4/757)
For our guidance and success, we should follow Allâh’s Messenger (s.a.w.) who has the best personality.   Allâh the Exalted tells us:
“Those who follow the Messenger, the unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in their own (Scriptures); ¾   in the Torah and the Gospel; for he commands them what is just and forbids them what is evil.  He allows them as lawful what is good (and pure) and prohibits them from what is bad (and impure).  He releases them from their heavy burdens and from the yokes that are upon them.  So it is those who believe in him, honor him, help him, and follow the Light which is sent down with him,¾ it is they who will prosper.”    (7: 157)
As Muslims, we must strive to develop our personality by having the best manners and character as defined in the Qur’ân and the Sunnah.  The reason for this is when we develop and excel in our Islâmic personality, we become among the righteous believers who will attain the ultimate success in the eternal world to come. Allâh  promises the believers and those who do righteous deeds everlasting reward, which is Paradise.  He says:
“But those who believe and  do  deeds  of righteousness  We shall soon admit them to Gardens, with rivers flowing beneath, ¾  to dwell therein forever.  Allâh’s promise is the truth, and whose word can be truer than Allâh’s?”   (4:122)
“But those who believe and work righteousness and humble themselves before their Rabb they will be Companions of the Garden to dwell therein for aye!”  (11:23)
“But whoever believes and works righteousness he shall have a goodly reward and easy will be his task as We order it by Our command."  (18:88)
When Allâh, the Almighty, rewards us Paradise we attain our ultimate Goal.  That is to be able to see Allâh. The greatest bliss in Paradise is the Good Pleasure of Allâh, which is the supreme triumph (9:72).   We will be very pleased to see Allâh; and the Almighty will also be pleased with us (98:8).  Allâh, the Exalted, says:
“Allâh has promised to Believers, men and women, Gardens under which rivers flow, to dwell therein ,and beautiful mansions in Gardens of everlasting stay.  But the greatest bliss is the Good Pleasure of Allâh.  That is the supreme triumph.”  (9:72)
“The reward is with Allâh: Gardens of Eternity, beneath which, rivers flow.  They will dwell therein forever.  Allâh well pleased with them, and they with Him ¾   all this for such as fear their Rabb.”  (98:8)
In addition to the above Qur’ânic Ayât, are the following Ahâdîth, which should inspire us more to spend our time wisely (and not to waste it) to developing our character for the pleasure of Allâh:
Abdullah Bin Amr (r.a.) narrated that Allâh's Messenger (s.a.w.) said,  “…The best amongst you are those who have the best manners and character.”       (Bukhâri   4/759) 
Abu Hurairah (r.a.) narrated that the Prophet  (s.a.w.) said, “Among the Muslims the most perfect, as regards his faith, is the one whose character is excellent, and the best among you are those who treat their wives well.”    (Tirmidhi 628)
Abu Darda (r.a.) narrated that the Prophet  (s.a.w.) said, “There is nothing heavier than good character put in the scale of a believer on the Day of Resurrection.” (Abu Dawud, 4781)
Abu Darda (r.a.) narrated that the Prophet (s.a.w.) said, “Nothing is weightier in the scales of a believer on the Day of Judgment than his good behavior.  Allâh treats with displeasure a person who is given to loose and vulgar talk.”  (Tirmidhi  626)
Abu Umamah t  narrated that the Prophet  (s.a.w.)  said,  “I guarantee a house in the surroundings of Paradise for a man who avoids quarrelling even if he were in the right; , a house in the middle of Paradise for a man who avoids lying even if he were joking;  and a house in the upper part of Paradise for a man who made his character good.”  (Abu Dawud  4782)
Abdur Rahman Bin Ghanam t and Asma Bint Yazid narrated that the Prophet (s.a.w.)  said, “The best servants of Allâh are those who, when they are seen, cause Allâh to be remembered. The worst servants of Allâh are those who go about slandering, who separate friends, and seek to distress the upright."   (Tirmidhi  4871 and Ahmad)
We Muslims must follow the Messenger Allâh (s.a.w.) who has the best personality and who calls people to Islâm.  We must follow the Prophet  (s.a.w.) because by doing so, we please Allâh the Almighty and earn His ultimate reward. We must work hard to follow the Prophet (s.a.w.)   whose mission is to convey the Message of Islâm.  Let us help one another in enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong.  The Almighty not only praises those Muslims (men and women) who enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong but also promises His Mercy to them:
“You are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind.  You enjoin what is right, forbid what is wrong, and believe in Allâh...”   (3:110)
“The Believers, men and women, are protectors, one to another. They enjoin what is just, and forbid what is evil.  They observe regular prayers, pay zakat and obey Allâh and His Messenger.  On them will Allâh pour His mercy: for Allâh is Exalted in power, Wise.”  (9:71)
Certainly, it is righteousness to develop our personality and be effective Du’ât based on the Qur’ân and the Sunnah by enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong.  We Muslims must work for righteous deeds especially through effective speeches in conveying the Message of Islâm  so that we will be among those whom Allâh will admit in Paradise.
“Truly, Allâh will admit those who believe and work righteous deeds, to Gardens beneath which rivers flow. They shall be adorned therein with bracelets of gold and pearls; and their garments there will be of silk. For they have been guided (in this life) to the purest of speeches; they have been guided to the Path of Him Who is Worthy of (all) Praise.” (22:23-24)
Let us show our love and devotion to Allâh and earn His ultimate reward by following His Messenger (s.a.w.). We must remember that one way by which we show love to our Creator is by following the Prophet (s.a.w.).  Allâh the Most High tells us:
“Say: "If you do love Allâh follow me: Allâh will love you and forgive you your sins for Allâh is Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful."  (3:31)
Let us follow the Prophet  (s.a.w.)  in conveying Islâm  to others, as it is his very Sunnah.  To do this, we must have first of all the correct knowledge of Islâm .  This is not only essential but also a divine commandment from Allâh, which we must do.   The Most High says:
Say (O Muhammad): “This is my Way; I do invite unto Allâh with a certain knowledge.  And whoever follows me (must also invite others to Allâh, Oneness of Allâh with sure knowledge). Glory to Allâh!  And I am not of the polytheists.”  (12: 108)
The above injunction implies that to be successful in our Da’wah, we must have the correct knowledge of the Qur’ân and the Sunnah.  These divine sources of knowledge provide us the essential qualities and characteristics of ideal Muslims (men and women) which we must develop in ourselves as Muslims.
 The Qur’ân and the Sunnah/authentic Ahâdîth guide Muslims on how to develop completely as the best among mankind who deserve Allâh’s eternal reward.  Both sources of Islâmic knowledge tell us the criteria of ideal Muslims in relation to their Rabb, themselves, parents, families, neighbors, friends, and respective societies. We Muslims must strive to learn how to develop all these aspects of human relations and character, especially our relations with our Creator.  The following are just some of the Islâmic teachings that describe the qualities of ideal Muslims in relation with our Rabb based on authentic sources:
1. The ideal Muslims firmly believe (without any element of doubt) and assert that there is no God (worthy to be worshipped) but Allâh  and that Muhammad (r.a.)  is the Messenger of Allâh:
“That is Allâh your Rabb (Only God, Cherisher and Sustainer)!  There is no god but He, the Creator of all things; then you worship Him: and He has power to dispose of all affairs.  No vision can grasp Him, but His grasp is over all vision; He is Subtle well-aware.”  (6:102-103).
“Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but (he is) the Messenger of Allâh, and the Seal of the Prophets.  And Allâh has full knowledge of all things.” (33:40)
Abû Hurairah (r.a.)  narrated: “I said ‘O Allâh’s Messenger! Who will be the luckiest person who will gain your intercession on the day of Resurrection?’” Allâh’s Messenger (s.a.w.)  said: “O Abû Hurairah! I have thought that none will ask me about it before you, as I know your eagerness to (learn) the Hâdîth. The luckiest person who will have my intercession on the Day of Resurrection will be one who said sincerely from (the bottom of) his heart, ‘Lâ ilaha illa Allâh.’ (‘None has the right to be worshipped but Allâh.’).”  (Bukhâri 1/ 98)
Abû Hurairah (r.a.) (or Abû Said Al Khudri) narrated that … Allâh’s Messenger (s.a.w.)  remarked, “I bear testimony that there is no god but Allâh and I am the Messenger of Allâh. The man who meets his Rabb without harboring any doubt about these two (truths) will never be kept away from Paradise.”  (Muslim   42)
2.  The ideal Muslims know the reasons why Allâh the Most High has created them and sincerely perform their purpose in life with devotion:
“I have created not the jinn and men except that they should worship Me (Alone). I seek not any provision from them nor do I ask that they should feed Me. Verily, Allâh is the All-Provider, Owner of Power, Most Strong.”  (51:56-58)
“So glorify the praises of your Rabb and be of those who prostrate themselves (to Him).  And worship your Rabb (Sustainer) until there comes unto you the Hour that is certain (i.e., death).”    (15:98-99)
“And they have been commanded no more than this: to worship Allâh, offering Him sincere devotion, being True  (in Faith); establish regular prayer; and to give Zakat. And that is the Religion Right and Straight.”  (98:5)
3. They aspire and work to attain ultimate success in the eternal world through belief and righteousness by worshipping no one but Allâh   Alone.  They humble themselves to Him Who is the True Rabb of the world and refrain from associating any partner with Him, fearing to commit the most heinous sin (i.e., Shirk) : 
“O mankind!  Worship your Guardian Rabb, Who created you and those who came before you that you may become righteous.”  (2:21)
“But those who believe and work righteousness and humble themselves before their Rabb they will be Companions of the Garden to dwell therein for aye!”  (11:23)
“Allâh forgives not that partners should be set up with Him; but He forgives anything else, to whom He pleases; to set up partners with Allâh is to devise a sin most heinous indeed.”    (4:48)
4.  Their ultimate Goal in the end is towards Allâh (5:17-18 and 6:164) so they worship Allâh  sincerely and properly the way Prophet Muhammad   prayed because they believe that without proper prayers they cannot be considered Muslims:
“Successful indeed are the believers, ¾  those who humble themselves in their prayers... and who (strictly) guard their prayers. These will be the heirs, who will inherit Paradise. They will dwell therein forever.” (23:9-11)
Buraydah ibn Al-Hasib (r.a.) narrated that Allâh's Messenger  said:  “The covenant that is between us and them is (on the basis of) prayer, so he who (abandons it, in fact shows) infidelity (to Allâh). “     (Tirmidhi 574; Ahmad, Nasa'i and Ibn Majah)
5. They offer their prayers regularly and on time and frequently supplicate to Allâh I knowing that  supplication is a form of prayer:
‘Abdullâh bin Mas‘ûd  narrated: “I asked the Prophet (s.a.w.)  , “Which deed is dearest to Allâh?” He replied, “To offer the Salât (prayers) at their early fixed times.” I asked, “What is the next (in goodness)?” He replied, “To be good and dutiful to your parents.” I again asked, “What is the next (in goodness)?” He replied, “To participate in Jihâd (religious fighting) in Allâh’s cause.” (Bukhâri 1/505)
Abu Qatada ibn Rab’I  narrated that the Prophet (s.a.w.) said: “Allâh , the Exalted said: I made five times' prayers obligatory on your people, and I took a guarantee that if anyone observes them regularly at their times, I shall admit him to Paradise; if anyone does not offer them regularly, there is no such guarantee of Mine for him.” (Abu Dawud 430)
An Nu`man bin Bashir narrated that the Prophet (s.a.w.)  said: “Supplication (du'a) is itself the worship. (He then recited:) ‘And your Rabb said: Call on Me, I will answer you’ (11:60).”   (Abu Dawud, 1474)
6.  They not only try to be mere good Muslims (those who perform the five pillars of Islâm ) or Mu`minon (Faithful Muslims,  those who believe in the six articles of faith);  but also to be Mu`hsinoon or Muttaqon (God-conscious, God-fearing Muslims who are righteous,  pious and restrain  as well as guard themselves from evil). They take guidance from the following authentic Hadith:
Abu Huraira  narrated that one day while the Prophet  (s.a.w.)  was sitting in the company of some people, (The angel) Gabriel came and asked, "What is faith?" Allâh's Messenger (s.a.w.)  replied, 'Faith is to believe in Allâh, His angels, (the) meeting with Him, His Messengers, and to believe in Resurrection." Then he further asked, "What is Islâm ?" Allâh's Messenger (s.a.w.)    replied, "To worship Allâh Alone and none else, to offer prayers perfectly to pay the compulsory charity (Zakat) and to observe fasts during the month of Ramadan."  Then he further asked, "What is Ihsan (perfection)?" Allâh's Messenger (s.a.w.)  replied, “To worship Allâh as if you see Him, and if you cannot achieve this state of devotion then you must consider that He is looking at you.”  … Then that man (Gabriel) left and the Prophet  (s.a.w.)     asked his companions to call him back, but they could not see him. Then the Prophet   said, "That was Gabriel who came to teach the people their religion." Abu 'Abdullah said: He (the Prophet) considered all that as a part of faith.  (Bukhâri   1/47, 6/300 and Muslim1)
7.  They do righteous deeds with ikhlas (sincerity) or purely for the sole pleasure of Allâh  and not for fame and honor in the eyes of the people. They dedicate their prayers, sacrifices, lives and death solely for Allâh, the Almighty in order to achieve His rewards:
"So, call you (O Muhammad and the believers) upon (or invoke) Allâh making (your) worship pure for Him (Alone) (by worshipping none but Him and by doing religious deeds sincerely for Allâh's sake only and not to show off and not to set up rivals with Him in worship).”   (39:14  and 40:14).
“Say: Truly, my prayer and my service of sacrifice, my life and my death are (all) for Allâh, the Cherisher of the Worlds.”  (6:162)
Umar bin Al-Khattab  narrated, “I heard Allâh's Messenger (s.a.w.)  saying, The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended....’"  (Bukhâri 1/1 and Muslim 3/ 4692)
8.  They are grateful to Allâh by devoting much time to prayers:
“And remember!  Your Rabb caused to be declared (publicly): `If you are grateful, I will add more (favors) unto you; but if you show ingratitude, truly My punishment is terrible indeed.’”   (14:7)
“...And if any is grateful, truly his gratitude is (a gain) for his own soul; but if any is ungrateful, truly my Rabb is free of all needs, Supreme in Honor!”   (27:40)
Al-Mughira Bin Shu`ba  narrated that the Prophet (s.a.w.)  used to pray so much that his feet used to become inflated or swollen.  And when he was asked why, he would say: “Shall I not be a thankful slave (to Allâh)?”   (Bukhâri   8/478; also see  6/360)
9.  They show their love and devotion to Allâh  by: being obedient to Him and following His Messenger (s.a.w.) , being true believers and doing deeds of righteousness based on the Qur’ân and the Sunnah:
“Say: ‘If you do love Allâh follow me: Allâh will love you and forgive you your sins for Allâh is Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful.’”   (3:31)
“O you who believe! Obey Allâh, and obey the Messenger (Muhammad) and render not vain your deeds.”  (47:33)
 “On those who believe and work deeds of righteousness will (Allâh) Most Gracious bestow Love.”  (19:96)
It was narrated that the Prophet  (s.a.w.)  said: “All my followers will enter Paradise except those who refuse” They said, “O Allâh’s Messenger!  Who will refuse?” He said, “Whoever obeys me will enter Paradise, and whoever disobeys me is the one who refuses (to enter it).”  (Bukhâri   9/384)
10.  They stick to the Qur’ân and the Sunnah and avoid Bid’ah (innovation in religion):
‘Aishah narrated that Allâh’s Messenger (s.a.w.) said, “Whoso introduces any thing new to this affairs of ours (i.e., religion) which does not form a part of it, it is invalid.”    (Bukhâri 3/861 and Ibn Mâjah 1/14)
Jabir ibn Abdullah narrated that Allâh’s Messenger (s.a.w.) said,  “The best speech is that embodied in the Book of Allâh, and the best guidance is the guidance given by Muhammad. The most evil affairs are their innovations; and every innovation is an error.”     (Muslim 1885)
11. They perform not only the five obligatory prayers but also the optional or Sunnah prayers especially the Tahajjud (midnight) prayers in order to earn Allâh’s love.  They know and believe that by earning Allâh’s love they would attain success: 
 Abu Hurairah narrated: Allâh's Messenger (s.a.w.)   said, “Allâh (Mighty and sublime be He) said: `Whosoever shows enmity to someone devoted to Me, I shall be at war with him. My servant draws not near to Me with anything more loved by Me than the religious duties I have enjoined upon him, and My servant continues to draw near to Me with supererogatory works so that I shall love him. When I love him I am his hearing with which he hears, his seeing with which he sees, his hand with which he strikes, and his foot with which he walks. Were he to ask (something) of Me, I would surely give it to him, and were he to ask Me for refuge, I would surely grant him it. I do not hesitate about anything as much as I hesitate about [seizing] the soul of my faithful servant: he hates death and I hate hurting him.’”   (Bukhari 8/509)
Abu Hurairah  narrated that the Prophet (s.a.w.)  said, “If Allâh loves a person, He calls Gabriel saying, 'Allâh loves so and-so; O Gabriel! Love him.' Gabriel would love him and make an announcement amongst the inhabitants of the Heaven. 'Allâh loves so-and-so, therefore you should love him also,' and so all the inhabitants of the Heaven would love him, and then he is granted the pleasure of the people on the earth."   (Bukhâri   4/431; 8/66; Muslim   and Tirmidhi)
Abu Hurairah  narrated Allâh’s Messenger (s.a.w.)  said:  “Our Rabb, the Blessed, the Superior, comes down every night to the nearest heaven to us during the last third of the night.  Then, He says: `(Is there anyone) who invokes Me, (demands anything from Me) so that I respond to his invocation? (Is there anyone) who asks Me for something so that I may grant him his request? (Is there anyone) who seeks My forgiveness, so that I may forgive him?’”   (Bukhari 2/246)
12. They remember Allâh  much not only by praying but also by making supplications and invocations to Him, reciting the Qur’ân for His pleasure, and by frequently praising Him.  They are inspired with the following Qur’ânic injunctions and authentic Ahâdîth: 
“Then do you remember Me, I will remember you.  Be grateful to Me and reject not faith.”  (2:152)
“Verily, I am Allâh: There is no god but I: so serve Me (only), and establish regular prayer for My remembrance.”   (20:14)
“Recite what is sent of the Book by inspiration to you, and establish regular Prayer: for Prayer restrains from shameful and evil deeds;  and remembrance of Allâh is the greatest (thing in life)  without doubt.  And Allâh knows the (deeds) that you do.”    (29:45)
“By no means (should it be so)! For it (Qur’ân) is indeed a Message of remembrance. Therefore, let who so will, keep it in remembrance. It is in Books held (greatly) in honor, exalted (in dignity), kept pure and holy.” (80:11-14)
 “O you who believe!  Let not your riches or your children divert you from the remembrance of Allâh.  If any act thus, surely they are the losers.”  (63:9)
Abu Musa narrated that the Prophet (s.a.w.)  said, “The example of the one who celebrates the Praises of his Rabb (Allâh) in comparison to the one who does not celebrate the Praises of his Rabb, is that of a living creature compared to a dead one.”   (Bukhâri, 8/416)
Abu Huraira  narrated that the Prophet (s.a.w.)  said, “Allâh will give shade to seven (types of people) under His Shade (on the Day of Resurrection).  One of them will be a person who remembers Allâh and his eyes are then flooded with tears.”   (Bukhâri   8/486)
Abu Hurairah  reported Allâh’s Messenger (s.a.w.)  as saying that “Allâh, the Exalted and Glorious, says: `I am near to the thought of My servant as he thinks about Me, and I am with him as he remembers Me.  And if he remembers Me in his heart, I also remember him in My Heart.  And if he remembers Me in assembly I remember him in assembly, better than his (remembrance).  And if he draws near Me by the span of a palm, I draw near him by the cubit, and if he draws near Me by the cubit I draw near him by the space (covered by) two hands.  And if he walks towards Me, I rush towards him.’”      (Muslim   4/ 6471)
13. They put their trust in Allâh.  Whatever problems or trials they encounter they show patience and are optimistic that Allâh  will help them or at least reward them for their trust, patience and endurance:
“... Then when you have taken a decision put your trust in Allâh.  For Allâh loves those who put their trust (in Him).  If Allâh helps you, none can overcome you.  If He forsakes you, who is there, after that, that can help you?  In Allâh, then, let Believers put their trust.” (3: 159-160)
 “And He provides for him from (sources) he never could expect.  And if any one puts his trust in Allâh, sufficient is (Allâh) for him.  For Allâh will surely accomplish His purpose.  Verily, for all things has Allâh appointed a due proportion.”  (65:3)
Said Bin Waqas narrated that Allâh's Messenger (s.a.w.)   said, "It is a fine thing when a believer praises and thanks Allâh if good comes to him, and praises Allâh and shows endurance if smitten by affliction. The believer is rewarded for everything, even for the morsel he raises to his wife's mouth."    (Tirmidhi 1733)
14. They frequently and sincerely repent to Allâh  to seek His forgiveness and rewards:
“And whoever repents and does good has truly turned to Allâh with an (acceptable) conversion.”  (25:71)
“O you who believe!    Turn to Allâh with sincere repentance: in the  hope that your Rabb will remove from you your evil deeds and admit you to Gardens beneath which Rivers flow ¾   the Day that Allâh will not permit to be humiliated the  Prophet  and  those   who  believe   with him.  Their light will run forward before them and by their right hands, while they say, `Our Rabb!   Perfect our Light for us, and grant us Forgiveness: for You have power over all things.’”   (66:8)
Al Agharr Al Muzani  narrated that Allâh's Messenger (s.a.w.)  said, “There is (at times) some sort of shade upon my heart, and I seek forgiveness from Allâh a hundred times a day.”    (Muslim  6522)
15.  They  sincerely do Jihâd (strive hard for the cause of Allâh the Almighty):
“Those who believe fight in the cause of Allâh, and those who reject Faith fight in the cause of Evil; so fight against the friends of Satan.  Feeble indeed is the cunning of Satan.”  (4:76)
Not equal are those believers who sit (at home), except those who are disabled, and those who strive and fight in the cause of Allâh with their goods and their person.  Allâh has granted a grade higher to those who strive and fight with their goods and persons than to those who sit (at home).  Unto all (in Faith) has Allâh promised good.  But those who strive and fight has He distinguished above those who sit (at home) by a great reward.  Ranks especially bestowed by Him and forgiveness and Mercy.  For Allâh is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.  (4:95-96)
“Those who believe, and emigrate and strive with might and main, in Allâh’s cause, with their goods and their persons, have the highest rank in the sight of Allâh.  They are the people who will achieve salvation.”  (9:20)
O you who believe!  Shall I lead you to a bargain that will save you from a grievous Chastisement?  That you believe in Allâh and His Messenger and that you strive (your utmost) in the Cause of Allâh, with your wealth and your persons: that will be best for you, if you but knew!  He will forgive you your sins, and admit you to the Gardens of Eternity: that is indeed the supreme Triumph.   (61:10-12)
Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri narrated that somebody asked, “Allâh’s Messenger (s.a.w.)  !  Who is the best among the people?  Allâh’s Messenger replied: “A believer who strives his utmost in Allâh’s Cause with his life and property...”  (Bukhâri   4/ 45)
16. They do virtuous deeds that are pleasing to Allâh  to earn his forgiveness and great reward:
“For Muslim men and women, for believing men and women for devout men and women for true men and women, for men and women who are patient and constant, for men and women who humble themselves, for men and women who give in charity, for men and women who fast, for men and women who guard their chastity, and for men and women who engage much in Allâh’s remembrance for them:  has Allâh prepared forgiveness and great reward.”  (33:35)
17. They follow no other way but Allâh’s Way.  They believe and follow the whole of the Qur’ân and the Sunnah of the Prophet (s.a.w.).  They enter into Islâm  wholeheartedly and aspire to live and die in the state of Islâm :
“Verily this is My Way leading straight: follow it, follow not (other) paths.  They will scatter you about from His (great) path.  Thus does He command you so that you may be righteous.”  (6:153)
“Then, We put you on the (right) Way of Religion, so follow you that (Way), and follow not the desires of those who know not. They will be of no use to you in the sight of Allâh. It is only wrong doers (that stand as) protectors, one to another. But Allâh is the Protector of the Righteous. These are clear evidences to men, and a Guidance and Mercy to those of assured Faith.” (45:18-20)
“Those who listen to the Word, and follow the best of it, those are the ones who Allâh has guided, and those are the ones endued with understanding.” (39:18)
“O you who believe! Enter into Islâm wholeheartedly; and follow not the footsteps of Satan, for he is to you an avowed enemy.” (2:208)
“O you who believe! Fear Allâh as He should be feared, and die not except in a state of Islâm...that you may be guided.” (3:102-103)
Anas Ibn Malik narrated that the Prophet  (s.a.w.) said, “Whoever possesses the following three qualities will taste the sweetness of faith: 1. The one to whom Allâh and His Messenger become dearer than anything else;  2. Who loves a person and he loves him only for Allâh’s sake; 3. Who hates to revert to disbelief (atheism) after Allâh has brought (saved) him out from it, as he hates to be thrown in fire."  (Bukhâri   1/20 and 8/67)
Abbas Ibn Abdul Muttalib  narrated that Abbas  heard the Messenger of Allâh (s.a.w.) as saying, He relished the flavor of faith (Iman) who became pleased with Allâh as Rabb, with al- Islâm as the code of life and with Muhammad as the Messenger of Allâh.”   (Muslim 54)
Jâbir ibn ‘Abdullâh narrated that the Prophet  (s.a.w.) said, “...I have left among you the Book of Allâh, and if you hold fast to it, you would never go astray...” (Muslim 2803.1)
Finally, to realize the above excellent qualities, the ideal Muslims seek to acquire authentic knowledge of Islâm.   They know that only knowledge of the Qur'ân and the Sunnah (or  authentic Ahâdîth) can guide them to know more about Allâh the Most High so that they can worship and please Him to the best they can, hoping for His everlasting rewards in the eternal world to come.  They strive to practice what they learn of the Deen, share their knowledge of Islâm to others and show patience in the acquisition, practice and sharing of Islâmic knowledge to others.  In line with this, the ideal Muslims give importance to the value of time.  They take guidance from the following  Words of Allâh:
“By the time, verily man is in loss, except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and join (together) in the mutual enjoining of Truth, and of patience and constancy.”  (103:1-3)

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