Tuesday 28 February 2017

Dua'a Of The Day

O Allah help us to connect with our children. Help us to bond with them at a level where the love and affection is strong, where there is openness, where there is respect and where shaytaan is unable to penetrate.

Guide their inclinations so that in an adverse situation their feeling would be to turn to You first and then to the family  instead of turning to dunya.

Please Allah, Keep our family always happy and wholesome and a source of goodness so that the light of the family unit guides every individual in the family and protects them from the evils of the day.

Keep our home safe so it is a sanctuary against the evil of society. Help us to create an environment where our home is more inviting to our kids than the malls and general social areas and they actually prefer to be home rather than out on the streets, in clubs, movies, bars and other such places of evil.

PLEASE Allah grant us barakah in our time so that time is ample for strengthening family relations and much of our time is utilized as such.

ALLAH please remove the usage of harsh language and course mannerisms in our home. Maintain respect, kindness, gratitude and mercy  and help our children to carry those values to the homes they create in future.

Help us to know what to say to our children that will open up our pathways of communication so that they find it easy to talk to me and do not ever feel the need to hide things from me out of fear or shame.

Help our spouse and us to be the best muslims we can be so that we are the best role models to our children. Help us to not be a hypocrite  and force our children to behave in a way that we do not aspire to behave.

ALLAH You know best our situation.
The family is the cornerstone of a stable society so please strengthen my family with imaan so that we are proud flag bearers of Islam and through our stable, solid family unit may the ummah be strengthened in both unity and imaan.

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