Tuesday 21 March 2017

Complete Du'a for Wudhu

At the beginning of the Wudhu pray the following Du'a :

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Allah humma inni au Zubika min hamazatish shayateen wa aoozubika raabe anyyahdhuroon

'' O Allah! Verily, I seek refuge in Thee from the evil suggestions of the devil, and I seek refuge in Thee, lest they should come to me ''

Bismilla hil azmi wal hamdu lil lahi ala dinil Islam
'' In the name of Allah, The Exalted, and praise be to Him for keeping me faithful to the religion of Islam ''

Alla hummagh firlee zambee wa wasse lee fee dari wa barik lee fee rizqi
 '' O Allah!  Grant me forgiveness for my sins, grant me expansion in my house and bless my livelihood ''

At the time of washing Hands pray :

Allah humma inni asalukal yumna wal barakata wa aoozubika minash shoomi wal halakati

'' O Allah! I ask of Thee good fortune and blessing, and seek refuge in Thee from misfortune and destruction ''

At the time of Gargling :

Allah Humma aa inni ala tilawati kitabeka wa kasratiz zikri laka wash shukri laka

 '' O Allah ! Help me in the recitation of Thy Book, and in remembering Thee most, and in offering Thee thanks ''

At the time of pouring water in Nostrils :

Allah humma arihni ra-ehatal jannati wa anta anni radhin

'' O Allah !  Comfort me with the smells of Heaven, and under the circumstances that Thou art pleased with me ''

While Snuffing your Nose :

Allah humma aoozubika min rawaa-ihin nari wamin soo-iddari

'' O Allah!  I seek refuge in Thee from the smell of the fire (of hell) and from the disgrace of the abode ''

While washing the Face :

Allah humma bayyidh waj hi yauma tabyadh-dhu wu juhu auliaika wala tusawwid wajhi yauma taswaddu wu juho aadaaika

 '' O Allah!  Brighten my face on the day when Thou wouldst brighten the faces of those who are dear to Thee, and do not blacken my face on the day when Thou wouldst blacken the faces of thy foes ''

While washing Right hand to the Elbow :

Allah humma aatini kitabi bi yamini wa hasibni hisabanyyaseera

'' O Allah!  Give me the record of my deeds in my right hand and subject me to an easy judgment ''

While washing the Left Hand to the Elbow :

Allah humma inni aoozobika an tutiyayani kitabi bi shamli aumin wara-I Zahari

'' O Allah!  I seek refuge in Thee that I may be given the record of my deeds in my left hand or from behind my back ''

While wiping Head :

Allah humma azillini tahta zilli arshika yauma la zilla illa zilla arshika

 '' O Allah! give me the shade of shelter under Thy Throne, on the day when there will be no shade other than the shade of Thy throne ''

While wiping the Ears :

Allah hummaj alni minai lazeena yas tami-u-nal qaula fa yattabi-ona ahsanahu,
Allah humma asmini munadiyal jannati ma al abrar

'' O Allah!  make me as one of those who listen to an utterance and follow what is best in it.
O Allah! make me listen to the pronouncement of the Heaven with the virtuous people ''

While wiping Neck :

Allah humma fukka raqabati minan nari wa aoozobika minas salasili wal aghla le

'' O' Allah!  take my neck off from the hell-fire and I seek Thy refuge from the fetters and shackles ''

While washing Right Foot :

Allah humma sabbit qadamayya ala siratikal mustaeem

 '' O Allah! let my feet stick to the right path ''

While washing left Foot :

Allah humma inni aoozobika an tazilla qadamayya alas sirati yauma tazillu aqadamul munafiqeena finnar

'' O' Allah!  I seek Thy refuge that my feet slip on the bridge on the day when the feet of the hypocrites slip in Hell ''

At the end of Wudhu :

Ash-hadu an la ilaha ilal lahu wahdahu la sharika lahu wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa Rasooluhu Allah hummaj alni minat tawwabeena wajalni minal mutatahhireena waj alni min ibadikas sualiheen

'' I testify that there is no God besides Allah, He is alone, He has no partner, and I (further) testify that Muhammad (Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam) is indeed His Bondsman and Apostle. O' Allah make me of those who are repentant and make me of those who are purified and make me of those who are Thy virtuous servants ''

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Complete Du'a for Wudhu

At the beginning of the Wudhu pray the following Du'a : Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Allah humma inni au Zubika min hamazatis...