Tuesday 21 March 2017

Rewarding Employment

Where one feels that they are not receiving enough income, and that they are not being able to pass by in their everyday living then a good wazifah' to recite for the provision of sustenance is also stated in the Qur'an al kareem.

It is as follows:

'Wallaho khayrur Raziqin'

'And Allah the Almighty is the best provider of sustenance'

If one were to recite, the above verse, as many times as they could each day, then by the Power of Allah the Almighty, and the Qur'an al-Hakeem, they shall begin to notice the difference in their income, or theirself.

You shall either be content (qana'ah) with what you are gaining, which is a good characteristic to recieve, or Allah the Almighty will make provision for your improvement. (Amin)

In addition to this, you should also be firm on your five times salaah, because the five times salaah, carries so much benefits for this world, and the hereafter, that you will not be able to imagine.

May Allah the Almighty keep us all steadfast upon the religion of Islam, and upon five times salaah, and upon recitation of the Qur'an al kareem, especially when the Muslim Ummah is facing up to so much destruction in the world today. (Amin)

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