Thursday 22 June 2017

Significance of Laylatul-Qadr

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullah ,
Do you know the significane of Laylatul-Qadr?
Allah caused the Quran to descend from the Protected Tablet (al-Lawh al-Mahfuth) - on which it was written - to the lowest heaven. In this revelation, all of the Quran was sent down at one time to a station in the lowest heaven referred to as "Bayt al-'Izzah" (The House of Honor or Power). The blessed night on which this descent took place is called "Laylatul-Qadr" (The Night of Decree), one of the odd-numbered nights in the last ten days of the month of Ramadan.
From the lowest heaven, sections of the Quran were then taken down by the angel Jibril to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This process of revelation continued over the twenty-three years of his prophethood.
We are now down to a few nights before the blessed month of Ramadan comes to an end. Let us prepare for the grand finale and finish off on a high. It does not matter how your Ramadan has been so far. Here is one final chance to push yourself as much as you can… one last time…until next year inshaAllah.
Your action points tonight and the remaining nights….
1.       Sort your priorities
Make sure you complete all dunya related tasks in the day time, so you don’t have any other work left at night. This way, you can concentrate on doing extra acts of ibadah, dhikhr, dua and isthighfar in the nights rather than worrying about some worldly task that needs to be completed.
2.       Give up on some sleep
You are exhausted, tired and probably have low energy levels after having fasted all these days, but remind yourself that these blessed nights visit us only once in  year. Give up on your sleep for a little while even though your bed is extremely comforting…and beg Allah for His forgiveness, beseech Him to accept all your ibadah…. and get your duas rolling….these days are truly like no other…don’t miss them for a few hours of sleep!
3.       Check your dua list
Wondering what to include in your duas? It’s easy! Write down everything you want to ask Allah for, and ask! It’s that simple! You don’t have to include flowery language or use complicated words. If it comes from your heart, it is all that matters.
4.       Charity
You’ve heard and probably read enough about giving charity during this blessed month.  For those of you who have already donated, go ahead and donate some more. Even $5 would make a huge difference to your akhirah - your final abode.
For those of you who haven’t donated yet, what’s stopping you? This single deed of yours could be the difference between jannah and jahannah….don’t you wish and dream about jannah? This is your chance to convert that dream into reality.  
IOU has launched the LARGEST donation campaign ever, to help the youth of our ummah get authentic knowledge and graduate with degrees that can help them lead better lives, land good paying jobs, which in turn would strengthen our ummah for generation to come. 
5.       Isthighfar
No matter how much you’ve sinned, repent and make loads of isthigfar. No matter how much you’ve repented, go on an overdrive and repent some more, because we are in need of His forgiveness and mercy at all times, and this is the month to achieve that.
Let us push each other one last time, and collect a mountain of good deeds! Come on….let’s do it!
Jazakallah khair

The Islamic Community

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