by Ibrahim B. Syed,
Ph. D.
Islamic Research Foundation International, Inc.
7102 W. Shefford Lane
Louisville, KY 40242-6462, USA
Website: http://WWW.IRFI.ORG
Islamic Research Foundation International, Inc.
7102 W. Shefford Lane
Louisville, KY 40242-6462, USA
Website: http://WWW.IRFI.ORG
Festival of Faiths covering the diversity of faiths in the Louisville area is
one of the major celebrations in the second week of November every year. In one
year one of the main events was display of material by organizations belongings
to different faiths.
was only one booth to represent Islam. Here I picked up a paper stated as a
Mission Statement of an “entity” on behavioral distinction that was displayed in
that Exhibitor Booth. The founder of this “entity” says that it is registered
in his personal name and that he is its Executive Director with no Executive
Committee, Board of Trustees and no membership; but he is marketing it in the
name of Islamic religion as an "Islamic School." This is unethical and immoral
in Islam. Any type of mischief, dishonesty, exploitation, misrepresentation,
deception or cheating is absolutely “HARAAM” (forbidden) in Islam. I do not
understand how one can try to achieve behavioral superiority or exert behavioral
influences in others when the founder of the “entity” himself sets a sad example
in behavior. Furthermore, what type of person begins a 337-word single page
document that has neither originality nor scholarly merit, with the words “Copy
righted.” In my personal opinion it reflects paranoia.
Mission Statement says that after death the soul goes to "the holding station
beyond this physical universe." Nobody knows where the soul goes after it
departs from the body. One cannot say that it goes to “the holding station
beyond this physical universe.” In Islam the life between the worldly life and
the Hereafter is called the life of Barzakh in Qur’an. Barzakh means ‘a veil’,
‘a curtain’. The actual state of that life is unknown; otherwise it won’t be a
Barzakh. There always remain confusions without understanding that all
descriptions concerning the life of Barzakh are allegorical. It is Barzakh, an
unknown life behind curtain. In Islam the
total records of the deeds of an individual are recorded by two angels who
remain with each person. One maintains record of the good deeds, and the other
angel records his/her evil deeds. These angels are known as Kiraman Katibin -
the honored writers/recorders(Qur’an, 50: 17-18; 82: 11) and
Muslims are not aware that the “soul takes with it the total record of the deeds
of the wake-conscious mind to the holding station.” What happens to the deeds
of the “other states” of conscious mind? The concept of the holding station
“where the time dimension does not exist” in my personal opinion is blasphemy.
The main sources of Islamic theology are the Noble Qur’an and the Hadith (the
prophetic traditions).
There is
Hadith-e-Qudsi or Sacred Prophetic Sayings that are God’s words described by
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in his own words whereas the Qur’an
contains the exact God’s words. We read what God says in Hadith Qudsi 4 “Sons
of Adam inveigh against (the vicissitudes of) TIME, and I am TIME, in my hand is
the night and the day.” Hence denying Time is denying God that is a blasphemy
in my personal opinion. The words “ The body & brain atoms will rematerialize “
is neither found in the Qur’an nor in the Hadith. This is “Star Trek” science
fiction. However, the Qur’an does mention in several places that Allah brings
the dead to life, even after they have become decomposed bones and dust. Also
the statement “the souls will occupy permanent youthful bodies without the aging
process” is not found in the Qur’an or in the Hadith. They beg the question
“What happens to the souls of children and babies who died before reaching the
age of youth in this world?” Scientific studies now reveal that it is possible
to maintain youthful bodies and control the aging process in this world that has
the time dimension. “Timeless dimension” is not in the Qur’an or Hadith.
The words
“human morality can be secular (Godless)” are confusing. First of all the
interpretation of the word “secular” as “Godless” is quite wrong. Secular means
not under the church control or not sacred. The Government of United States is
secular that means separation of “church” and “state.” It does not mean that
the people living in the US are Godless or do not believe in God. The US
Government coins have the words “In God We Trust.” The House and the Senate
in the Congress start their sessions with prayers. Also the definition of the
word spiritual, “That is, pure belief in one creating force without associating
anything or any one of this physical universe which is a total creation of that
one God.” Is actually the first creed of Islam, called “Tawhid” or Oneness
of God or Monotheism. For example the Buddhists do not believe in God and the
Hindus believe in many Gods, then does it mean that they do not have
spirituality? The words “every physical atom of this universe is managed by
the invisible spiritual atoms of God” in my opinion are a blasphemy. The
physical atoms of this universe are also invisible and they are created by the
same “ Creator of the Universe” There is no such thing as “spiritual atoms of
God” . This is pure blasphemy in my opinion.
statement “The soul is introduced into the human embryo when the head is fully
formed” proves the utter ignorance of the writer in human embryology. The
writer does not know the difference between the “embryo” and the “fetus.” No
religious scripture or tradition in the world says that “the soul is introduced
into the human embryo when the head is fully formed.” No body knows where in
the body the soul resides. The definition of the embryo is the age of the
conceptus from the moment of conception to the end of the 8th week (56 days).
From the first day of the 9th week till 38 weeks(full term) it is called
“fetus” which means the young one in Latin. In the beginning of fetal period,
the face has human appearance and the head is formed, but one cannot say “the
head is fully formed.” The brain continues to grow in the fetal period and
even after birth. In fact the brain increases fourfold in size and weight from
birth to maturity. The Qur’an does not say when the soul enters the body.
However the Hadith says “the soul is breathed into the body” when the fetus is
120 days old in the womb.(Sahih Bukhari Hadith, Vol. 4, Hadith No.549). The
people who believe in Predestination (Belief in Qadr(fate and predestination )
is the sixth point in the Muslim Creed(Aqida). The freedom to choose is limited
in Islam.) will reject the “the freedom to choose” idea. Human nature dictates
one to live peacefully and morally. However behavioral studies indicate that
many times man is a victim of circumstances in deviating from the congenial
How can
secular people who are defined as “Godless” benefit tremendously and acquire
behavioral superiority based on spiritual foundation. What is that “spiritual
foundation?” If the Islamic plan invites humans to follow the behavioral
path prescribed by God, then why should one use the secular knowledge
which is called “the state of the art psychology known as Neuro-Linguistic
Programming (NLP).” NLP is used to some extent in business to increase sales.
According to a Neuro-Linguistic Expert the effect of NLP is no different from
Psycho Shaman Effect(composed of cognitive dissonance, placebo, and therapist
charisma). Most important of all is how can an individual with no background in
psychology or counseling develop “education & training material based..... on
the state of the art psychology known as Neuro-Linguistic Programming?” Such
individuals will be subject to prosecution under Kentucky Laws.
In Islam the
righteous deeds and actions of an individual in this world determine his/her
eligibility to be in paradise. Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) lived the Qur’an and
followed the behavioral path or the right path(siraatul mustaqeem) prescribed by
God.. He is the best role model for every Muslim in the world. In my opinion
one should imbibe his(prophet’s) behavior and there is no behavior more
excellent than his and he is the greatest human being ever lived. This is
attested by Michael Hart in his very popular book “The 100” wherein he ranked
Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) as Number 1. Therefore one should study the
Seerah(Biography) of Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) and emulate him. For Muslims there
is no need to borrow from the NLP as it cannot add anything new to the Muslim
behavior. Actually NLP should borrow ideas from Islam. Otherwise it shows that
the behavior of Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) was deficient to the extent that
Muslims have to borrow from NLP. This is an insult to the Muslims. First of
all one should exhibit the behavioral distinction to mold or influence the
behavior of others. If a teacher/trainer misbehaves, one cannot expect his/her
students to show behavioral superiority.
Grinder, a linguist, and Richard Bandler, a mathematician and computer expert
introduced the “high-tech” sounding NLP in 1975 by borrowing freely and
generously from diverse fields such as neuropsychology, psychology, pychotherapy
etc. But they have failed to present a clear, accessible description of NLP.
However Richard Bandler is alleged to be accused of a “manslaughter” crime. NLP
lacks scientific research support. Experimental psychologists are largely
unfavorable to NLP. Considering an extensive literature review of NLP
techniques, Sharpley concluded that they are far from original, and in fact
differ little from quasi-hypnotic imaging techniques, psychodrama, certain
gestalt techniques, and basic counseling skills such as mirroring. Beyerstein
says “The areas of science that enjoy the greatest prestige at any moment are
the most tempting targets for appropriation by pseudoscientists......
Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) is one of many riders on neurology’s
coattails” (References are available).
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